General info
About me
I am a Professor in the Mathematics Institute at the University of Warwick in the Geometric Analysis Group. Prior to this I was a Professor in the Geometry Group at University College London (UCL) and an Emmy Noether Junior Research Group Leader at Free University Berlin.
Here is my CV (updated Sep 2024).
Research interests
My work is in Differential Geometry, Partial Differential Equations and Geometric Analysis. I am especially interested in geometric flows (mean curvature flow, Ricci flow, etc), minimal surfaces and Willmore surfaces and their applications to geometric, variational and topological problems.
- My PhD student Lucas Lavoyer recently passed his viva! Congratulations! He will soon start a postdoc position at the University of Münster with C. Böhm and B. Wilking.
- New job openings at the Warwick Mathematical Institute: 2 Asisstant/Associate Professorships and 2 Warwick Zeeman Lectureships. Strong candiates, especially from underrepresented groups, are very much encouraged to apply, independently of the field! The deadline is 13 Oct 2024.
- My paper with O. Chodosh, K. Choi and C. Mantoulidis on "Mean curvature flow with generic inital data" was recently published in Inventiones.
- I will be giving a plenary talk on "Mean curvature flow with generic initial data" at the 16th Panhellenic Geometry Conference in Athens, Greece from 27-29 Sep 2024.
- Recent lecture notes for MA263 - Multivariable Analysis and MA3D9 - Geometry of Curves and Surfaces are now available under the teaching tab.
- PhD positions available: if you are interested in a PhD under my supervision, please see here for details and the application procedure. Don't hesitate to contact me via e-mail if you have any questions beforehand!
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Research group members
Current PhD students
- Žan Bajuk
- Laura Bradby
- O. Munteanu, Leverhulme Visiting Professorship, UCL, 09/19 - 12/19
- M. Saez, Leverhulme Visiting Professorship, UCL, 05/18 - 02/19
- T. Körber, visiting PhD student, 07/17 - 04/20
- Wei-Bo Su, 10/22 - 09/23
- K. Moore, UCL, 09/17 - 08/18
- A. McLeod, UCL, 10/18 - 09/19
- B. Lambert, UCL, 03/17 - 2/20
- P. Gianniotis, UCL, 09/14 - 08/16
Former PhD students
- L. Lavoyer, Warwick, 09/20 - 09/24
- J. Daniels-Holgate, UCL/Warwick, 09/19 - 09/23
- A. Wood, UCL, 07/17 - 09/20
- C. Evans, UCL, 07/17 - 12/20
- M. Miglioranza, UCL, 02/15 - 03/20
- T. Begley, Cambridge/UCL, 09/14 - 12/16
- F. Jachan, FU Berlin, 09/09 - 04/14
- A. Hammerschmidt, FU Berlin, 12/08 - 01/12
Recent and upcoming events
- 10-15 Nov 2025, Geometric variational problems; Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna
- 20-25 July 2025, Partial Differential Equations; Oberwolfach, Germany
- 29 June - 4 July 2025, Differentialgeometrie im Grossen; Oberwolfach, Germany
- 26-27 June 2025, International geometric analysis conference in Milan; Milan, Italy
- 23-25 June 2025, Workshop Topics in Geometric Analysis; Pisa, Italy
- 3-7 June 2025, Workshop "Regularity Theory for Free Boundary and Geometric Variational Problems V"; Rimini, Italy
- 19-23 May 2025, Workshop "Geometric moduli spaces - Rigidity, Genericity, Stability"; ICMS Edinburgh, UK
- 11-15 May 2025, BIRS-IMAG Workshop "Singularities and Asymptotic Patterns in Fluid and Ecolutionary PDEs"; Granada, Spain
- 23-28 Feb 2025, MATRIX-MFO Tandem Workshop: Nonlinear Geometric Diffusion Equations; Oberwolfach, Germany
- 27-31 Jan 2025, Workshop "Calculus of Variations and PDEs in Geometric Analysis"; Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
- 17 Dec 2024, Geometry, Algebra, Physics and Topology Seminar; Cardiff, UK
- 17 Oct 2024, Warwick Maths Society Colloquium; Warwick, UK
- 27-29 Sep 2024, 16th Panhellenic Geometry Conference; Athens, Greece
- 17-21 July 2024, Conference "CHANGE - CHallenges in ANalysis and GEometry"; ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- 26-28 June 2024, European School of Differential Geometry; Granada, Spain
- 24-26 June 2024, Workshop "Regularity Theory for Free Boundary and Geometric Variational Problems IV"; Levico Therme, Italy
- 11-12 Jul 2024, Workshop "Geometric Analysis and PDEs"; Warwick, UK
- 21 May 2024, Research Seminar "Differential Geometry and Analysis"; Marburg, Germany
- 29 Apr - 3 May 2024, Masterclass "Recent Progress on Singularity Analysis and Aplications for Mean Curvature Flow"; Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology, University of Kopenhagen, Denmark
Editorial boards
- Advances in Differential Equations
- Publications of the LMS (BLMS, JLMS)
- Geometric Flows (until 2020)